Calling all families and caregivers!
Researchers at Queen’s University and parents who know the challenges of supporting loved ones with developmental disabilities. We would like to invite the person primarily responsible for managing individualized / direct funding for support services to participate in a survey about their experiences managing directly hired support workers or independent contractors. We have partnered with the Developmental Services Workforce Initiative (DSWI) to conduct this study.
This survey aims to delve into the realities faced by families in recruiting, hiring, training, and managing support workers. By understanding what works well and what challenges exist, we strive to enhance the support systems available to families. Your invaluable experiences and insights can greatly contribute to shaping the future of direct / individualized funding and the Journey to Belonging in Ontario.
This study has received ethical approval by the Queen’s University General Research Ethics Board.
Survey Link: Queen’s University Survey of People Managing Individualized / Direct Funding
Why are we asking you to participate? We are asking families to participate because of your unique experience and expertise in managing individualized / direct funding. Participation is voluntary and you can decline to participate in the survey or any aspect of the research project at any time without penalty/loss of benefits. Participation will involve answering questions about experiences administering the funding, managing support workers, and about the workers themselves.
The survey can be completed on a computer or mobile device using the link above. The survey platform will record your answers as you go, so if you need to go back to finish at a later time, your previous responses should still be recorded. After submitting the survey, you will need to contact the principal investigator (Robert Hickey) for a unique link to edit your responses.
Are there any risks to participating? There are no known risks for taking part in this study. There is no obligation for you to answer all the questions in the survey. The surveys will not ask for any personally identifying information.
What are the benefits of participation? You can help us better understand the challenges and pressures facing families managing Passport and other sources of individualized funding. While individual participants may not benefit directly from completing the survey, results from this study will provide critical information to support families and the workforce.
What will happen to my information? We plan to publish the results of the study in accessible reports made available to all key stakeholders and participants. We expect that the research project will also generate several academic articles for a variety of scholarly, peer-reviewed journals.
The research team will protect the identity of all participants and organizations in all reports of research findings. We plan to protect your information and ensure confidentiality during all phases of the research. Only the Principal Investigator will have access to information during the collection, analysis, publication, dissemination, and archiving of information. All information will be stored in a secured office and on an encrypted computer. Authorized Representatives of Queen’s University, its affiliated hospitals and/or Queen’s University General Research Ethics Board (GREB) may request access to study data and/or all other study material used in this research.
Your participation in this endeavor is vital. Your firsthand experiences provide critical perspectives that will inform policy decisions and improve services for families across Ontario. By completing this survey, you will contribute to a collective effort aimed at meeting the needs of individuals with developmental disabilities and their families. Your voice matters, and we are eager to receive your input.
For future questions, please email