Facile Perth is a non-profit organization, located in Stratford, Ontario, serving people with a disability and their families across Huron-Perth. Our organization was founded by families who have a loved one with a disability, in collaboration with organizations within Huron-Perth. Our founders recognized the essential role that planning and facilitation plays in building a good life. They wanted people to have access to proactive and intentional planning support to achieve their goals now, and in the future.
Our organization works to support people with a disability to live meaningful lives in their own communities. We see community as the starting place for building a good life. We focus on natural relationships and existing opportunities first, and we create new opportunities through collaborations with others.
The most important part of what we do is support people with a disability to make informed decisions about their lives. This means our work is person-directed and individualized. We also value input from family members, friends, neighbours, and other community members who care and want to support a person’s goals. Our facilitators help to guide conversations that allow people to make decisions about their life so that they can live with dignity, choice and control.
Organization Statements
Through collaboration with people who have a disability, their families, and the community, we promote the importance of proactive planning and facilitate opportunities that can empower people and their families to build good lives and plan for the future with peace of mind.
Our Mission
Facile Perth is committed to supporting people of all ages who experience disability, to build active, self-determined lives in their community. Our belief is that individualized supports, creative thinking, and citizen-led collaborations promote and protect the choice, dignity, and personhood of each person we serve. We seek to keep the priorities of the disability community at the forefront and to find opportunities to grow a sense of belonging for people in the counties we serve.
Meaningful lives. Chosen Futures. We provide quality support that empowers people with a disability to lead self-directed lives in their community with natural support in place.
Building A Good Life

Our Values
A good life is a CONNECTED life.
A connected life means I am known by members of my community, people check in on me, people miss me when I am not around, and people know what is important to me. Inclusion is more than just saying “hello.”
A good life is a VALUED life.
A valued life means people acknowledge and celebrate my gifts and contributions, there is a seat for me at community decision-making tables, and I am seen as an essential part of my neighbourhood and community. I am given the respect afforded to all citizens. The quality of my life is important to others.
A good life is a PURPOSEFUL life.
A purposeful life means I feel in control of my life, and I have agency to make decisions that are right for me. I have the freedom and resources to explore my passions or interests, and to be able to give back to others. I have valued roles in my community and interdependent relationships with others. My life has meaning.
A good life is a
A self-determined life means my abilities are recognized and I am afforded the support, from people I trust, to help me make my own decisions. I can say no, and other people believe I have the capacity to express my will and desires. My personhood is protected.