Robin lives in a small rural community where transportation offers some challenges. While she is connected with a good support team and attends some structured activities in a local community, Robin and her facilitator wanted to explore a way to build upon her strengths and interests to create natural connections in her immediate community.
So they began knocking on doors, literally. This is how they met Evelyn Howe, who resides at Neustadt Hillside Manor. Evelyn and Robin discussed the idea of an adult colouring program. Robin discovered that her passion for colouring was a shared interest that could open new doors. The photo shows a class that Robin and Evelyn hosted with a group of community participants.
Robin and her facilitator also explored her skill of providing hand massages. This involved linking with a woman who makes 100% natural lotions and a local person who is committed to health and wellness. Robin had an opportunity to learn some new techniques and begin to dream up new ways to connect with her community. In the future Robin hopes to be offering a session of hand massages through the West Grey Public Library – Ayton Branch at their upcoming Wellness Break. With a nurturing gift like this, the possibilities are numerous!
Update April 2017: Robin was invited to the Wellness Break offered through the West Grey Public Library in Ayton where she completed a lot of hand massages! This event was so successful that she was extended an invitation to complete hand massages at another event. Robin is currently exploring other places to share her gift in her community.