This video shows how social inclusion can lead to a purposeful life for individuals facing significant challenges in daily living. Through creativity and collaboration within the community, strong reciprocal relationships can be built. McKenzie and his independent facilitator worked together with his family and his community to build a full life and the video shows how that has also impacted his community in a positive way.
A story from a family perspective
Facile a word that has many definitions, but the most fitting words in this case are “acting, working, proceeding”. We were very fortunate to have access to Facile independent planning and facilitation to do future planning with our son McKenzie.
As a parent of a child with special needs, navigating the system can be daunting, complicated and exhausting. And in addition, let alone the looming future of uncertainty that lies before us as our child finished his high school career and entered the land of unknown.
Thankfully our Facile facilitator provided us the most important thing…”hope”. After the first meeting, I felt, ‘We can do this. There will be something for McKenzie. There is hope after all’.
Through the months of meetings and planning, we have been able to carve out plans for McKenzie’s future ensuring he has quality filled meaningful days that meet his needs and interests, as he enters the true world of ‘adulthood’. The facilitator has provided us with support, encouragement and guidance as well as the knowledge and resources along the way. If we had to endure this journey on our own, it would have been one filled with floundering frustration, road blocks and grief.
We truly appreciated the giftedness of the Facile team and how they have truly made a positive and hopeful difference in our lives, especially McKenzie’s.
Facile is a service I truly and highly recommend to all parents/caregivers/individuals who are needing to carve a path in their future. Your journey should never be alone and thanks to Facile, it hasn’t been.
Stay tuned for a story about McKenzie and how his life looks like after being out of school for almost a year!
McKenzie, a year after graduating highschool. What is he up to? 
McKenzie, a 21 year old man who graduated high school last summer. For most families this would be an exciting time, but not for McKenzie’s family. For them this was a time of fear and worry because how would his life look like in a couple of months. How would their lives change? Would McKenzie graduate to the couch?
McKenzie is a young man with a developmental disability. McKenzie will not attend college or university and he will need 24 hours of supports, for which at this time there is no funding available.
Kevin and Vicky wanted a facilitator to help them think about McKenzie’s future and to help them navigate the system. It would be a journey of making connections and thinking outside the box.
After some initial meetings with McKenzie and his parents, the facilitator spent some time at school. She observed McKenzie in his class and talked to some of his teachers and educational assistants. Since McKenzie has limited speech it was important to the facilitator to see him in a different environment and to talk to people who see McKenzie on different occasions. She wanted to learn about the things that make McKenzie excited.
The facilitator organized and facilitated a circle meeting. At this meeting 14 friends came together and shared great stories about McKenzie but also brainstormed about possibilities for McKenzie in his community. The possibilities were endless and so was the love for McKenzie. It was very clear from this gathering that McKenzie is very much part of his community and that people have dreams and hopes for him.
Out of these meetings and gatherings the family and the facilitator set up some goals and went to work! Connections were made and although there is still lots of work to be done, McKenzie’s days started to fill up with activities that are meaningful to him and his community!
McKenzie didn’t graduate to the couch.
He works one afternoon a week at the local nursing home. He has also been volunteering at different places in his community. He volunteers at the local thrift store, at the local public school and he recently started to volunteer at the library. These are not only meaningful to McKenzie but also important for his community.
McKenzie was also actively involved with the Ringette team and the local hockey team. He now swims every week which might be one of the highlights of his week.
Currently, McKenzie is looking into another paid opportunity together with the help of his job coach.
The facilitator will continue to walk this journey with the family, this is just the beginning of an exciting and adventurous life for McKenzie!