Planning and Facilitation Supports

Building a good life for yourself or a loved one with a disability is an exciting journey. However, it can be challenging and overwhelming at times. It can also be incredibly rewarding. Our organization works to make the journey easier, and our facilitators ensure you do not have to walk that journey alone. 

Person-Directed Supports 

Planning is something we all do. We all think about what matters most to us and talk to others we trust to determine how we can achieve the life we want. This is what person-directed planning is all about. Most often, this includes a person’s family and others who are important in their lives. Our role at Facile is to guide the planning process but not direct it. Our independent facilitators firmly believe in:

  • Individuals making decisions about their own lives
  • Valuing the perspectives and input of the individual’s family and friends
  • An individual’s community is the first place to look for anything they need to build a good life
  • Acknowledging that everyone possesses dreams, strengths, and gifts
  • Understanding the importance of social connections — people need people
  • Emphasizing that planning involves taking action

Our Process


We start with the question:

What does a good life look like for you or your loved one? 

That means we look at all the different parts of a person’s life. 

We look at: 

  • What is fun and interesting? 
  • What do you want to learn?
  • Who are important people in your life?
  • Who is missing?
  • Where would you love to live?
  • What contribution could you make to your neighbourhood and community?
  • Where would you like to work, volunteer or offer your time?

We can also help you think about things like: 

  • Financial Planning
  • Legal and Estate Planning 
  • Supportive Decision-Making

We want families to be able to answer the question: What will happen to my loved one when I am no longer here or can no longer care for them? 


We work with you to make sure you have funding and support in place. This means we can help you navigate through various programs and systems like Developmental Services Ontario (DSO), Ontario Disability Support Plan (ODSP), and the education system. We are especially keen to support youth and families during the important phase of transitioning from children to adult services. We offer comprehensive support and guidance to help you gain a better understanding of the process, and the available resources and services. 

Our planning and facilitation supports are individualized and person-directed. We will meet you wherever you are at in the planning process. 

Connect with us to find out more about how you can get started!