Maddy has a life rich in family and structured supports. Through facilitation she unearthed a dream of participating in a culinary arts program and a desire to work with animals. Maddy and her facilitator made a connection with a local Trade Start program offered through the Wiarton Salvation Army and the Grey Bruce Animal Shelter. In June of 2016 Maddy graduated from the Culinary Program and achieved her food safety certificate along the way!
She has also become a valued volunteer in the cat room at the animal shelter, where she helps cats to socialize in order to increase adoptability. The true magic happened when June met Maddy. The staff had forewarned Maddy that June was not super friendly and preferred to hide away and avoid contact. Within minutes of their first meeting, Maddy had won June over with her compassion and warmth. Over time, June in turn won Maddy over and she became the latest member of Maddy’s family. Maddy and her family recently had their first circle meeting, with family and supports joining in via Skype, in person and on the phone. Everyone had valuable contributions and ideas to share and Maddy landed on two new goals for the 2017!